Pleiadi International employs creatives, strategists, storytellers, programmers, coordinators. It also participates in related Companies dedicated to specialized services and activities.

Pleiadi smart
Marketing & communication
for all
Pleiadi Smart is the young rib created in 2020 by the Pleiadi team.
It carries out communication activities with an optimized methodological process, enabling optimized quality of investments.
Do you have a creative project in mind but limited resources for its implementation? Thanks to Pleiadi Smart, a young and super smart team (always supervised by the senior team) will carry you in the concretization of your ideas.
How? Through a modular working method, with which you can choose what you are most interested in taking forward in your communication, web marketing and promotion strategy.
Want to find out what your project really needs?

Yixing Design
We bring communication
event to Shanghai
In 2007, Pleiadi International founded Yixing - the Chinese translation of Italian communication star - Design: the first officially registered Italian communication agency (The Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise or WOFE) in China.
Thanks to this presence, we can support all companies that have a visionary project, facing abroad to the Far East.
Yixing Design operates with its team in Shanghai, the cra dle of innovation and digital experimentation; with their experience and profound knowledge of Chinese web marketing (which has completely different dynamics from ours) we achieve extraordinary results.
Are you interested in expanding your business abroad as well?

Collection, analysis,
and interpretation of insights
& big data
Visualitica is much more than a digital insights platform: it’s a team of consulting and data analysis experts who help you make sense of the huge amount of big data available today to give concrete stimulus to your business strategy.
Visualitica, integrates and makes communicate big data from all channels: digital channels (websites, social media, email software), CRM, management, open data, and data from large information providers or institutional sources.
All in one easy-to-use platform.
Our team consists of creative minds with unique skills,who combine strategy and design into winning projects.
Each brings their own distinctive contribution to the agency's growth and success.
With a focus on professional development and collaboration, we are committed to create a stimulating and inclusive work environment, where every voice is heard and every idea is valued.