Forum Young System
In 2019, Pleiadi International, together with partners Gerebros and Bartoletti & Cicognani, created the philanthropic project Forum Young System with the goal of facilitating contacts, dialogue, and networking between excellent businesses and the younger generations.
Forum Young System was born from the recognition that much of the youth discontent stems from a lack of listening.
In the professional sector, this generates difficulties in matching demand - the demand for young people in companies is increasingly high - and supply, which exists.
In fact, Millennials in past years, and now Generation Y and Z, have energy and will to integrate into the workforce and the economy. They aspire to bring innovation and vision. However, the ways in which they express this will are often not listened to, received, or understood.
Forum Young System aims to facilitate this dialogue by creating opportunities for interaction and networking between the two parties: seated at the same table, senior professionals and the younger generation compare equally in discussions on topics such as work, innovation, and research.
The formats are dynamic and engaging, enhanced by show-like setups and direction, hyper-interactive conduction, participation of mentors and enlightened figures with real added value.
Participants in a Forum Young System event emerge enriched and motivated, energized and, most important, a ‘want-to-do' attitude.
Thanks to this involvement, real job opportunities, collaborations, new businesses arise from Forum Young events. Small numbers, but qualified and always growing. This trend motivates us to continue this philanthropic project, renewing it every year because every year young people change, and have different sensitivities and needs.
2024 events
4 hours inside your Company to find out if it is really attractive to YoungG. To tell them the values and distinctiveness to be part of it. We are looking for enlightened Companies and entrepreneurs who understand the importance of this issue.
Those willing to open their doors to days of interaction with the younger generations, to be appealing to them and simultaneously introduce themselves.
Young Campus, Novembre 22, 2024
A meeting that brings together YoungG, entrepreneurs, trendsetters, and startups, all generators of innovation and thought leaders... Discussions, proposals, reflections, and ideas around the 4 Think Tables of the year dedicated to Wonder. Of making, of creating, of listening, of finding.
The Forum Young System network is growing: we are over 300 realities and more than 2,000 young people.